Country : Portugal
Land of Pedro Álvares Cabral, the navigator who discovered the Brazilian coast in the 16th century, it has an essentially Gothic castle, transformed into the palace of the Cabral family, and a church in Santiago de Compostela that deserves a long visit. Home to an important Jewish community, it has made its history and landscape the subject of its numerous museums, which has an important educational role in disseminating historical knowledge.The municipality of Belmonte has focused on intercultural dialogue as a differentiating element in its actions. Anchored in its history and heritage, the municipality has favoured a focus on cultural tourism, the promotion of entrepreneurship and the inclusion of the Brazilian and Jewish communities in its strategy. Born in Belmonte, the discoverer of Brazil, Pedro Álvares Cabral, has been an asset in bringing the two countries closer together, with positive repercussions for both sides. In the context of the Jewish community, the largest in Portugal, it has demonstrated the perfect coexistence of different religions, perfectly integrated into the social and economic life of Belmonte. In both contexts, Belmonte has encouraged new residents and businesses to settle around these two themes. The history that unites these different nations and religions is also told in the museums dedicated to this theme. Culture is at its best in symbiotic relationships, and Belmonte is a symbol of this inclusion.The Historic Village of Belmonte has a wireless network for free use in public spaces and has developed actions in the field of physical and digital accessibility, two networking projects promoted by the AHP-ADT with the 10 municipalities that make part of the Historic Villages of Portugal Network.